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2011 Donations
2012 Donations
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Charities We Support

The Olympia Eagles has a rich tradition of supporting local and national charities.  Helping those in need is our #1 priority.  Here is a sample of some charities we've selected to support in fiscal year 2012. 

Local Charities

SafePlace of Olympia - SafePlace operates 24-Hours a day and is available to support survivors through crisis intervention, advocacy and safety planning. SafePlace values survivor autonomy and safety. The goal is to empower survivors to make their own decisions about their relationships and lives, provide them with options and resources, and to be a sounding board for those in crisis. SafePlace works for the survivor, not any legal or law enforcement entity. For more information about SafePlace of Olympia go to http://www.safeplaceolympia.org.

Thurston County Food Bank - The Thurston County Food Bank provides services to the urban core of Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, and their surrounding growth areas and underserved parts of Thurston County. To reduce access barriers, the Thurston County Food Bank, in collaboration with community partners, operates fifteen satellite Food Banks. They also operate mobile food banks at nine low income neighborhoods, primarily mobile home parks and apartment complexes. In partnerships with four school districts we distribute weekend food bags at thirty one elementary schools and one Head Start Program. These school programs target homeless children. To promote childhood nutrition, the Food Bank currently supports three school gardens.  For more information about the Food Bank go to http://www.thurstoncountyfoodbank.org

Thurston County Special Olympics - Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical  fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.  For more information on Special Olympics go to http://www.specialolympicswashington.org.

National Charities

The Trevor Project - The Trevor Project is determined to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgenter, and questioning youth by providing life-saving and life-affirming resources including our nationwide, 24/7 crisis intervention lifeline, digital community and advocacy/educational programs that create a safe, supportive and positive environment for everyone.  For more information on the Trevor Project go to http://www.thetrevorproject.org.

Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center - The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center is already making a significant impact on the promise of improving lives. A recent study conducted at The University of Iowa and funded partially by the Diabetes Research Center may have unlocked the key to slowing diabetes. Published in the June 8 issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, the study found that ursolic acid, a substance found in apple peel, reduced fat, blood sugar levels, cholesterol and triglycerides in mice and may be useful in treating diabetes. For more information on the Diabetes Research Center go to http://www.foe.com/charities/diabetes.